Feel free to talk to us! 215-239-4990

Group meeting for Downs Syndrome familiesIn the work we do, we make sure to provide all clients with the direct support they need. Thus, individuals under our care will receive on-on-one support from a certified Behavioral Support Specialist. Our specialist will conduct an initial consultation and assessment to properly determine the needed behavioral support program. Then, planning and implementation slowly take place, according to what is deemed by the specialist as most effective.

Our Behavioral Support Specialist will develop strategies to support the individual and their family, providing them with the behavioral, social, and emotional support they need in their day-to-day.

Get in Touch
Do you have any questions or concerns about our brand of service? If so, please do not hesitate to send us a message at a time of your convenience. You may also set an appointment with us so we can make sure that our program matches your specific needs.